December 18, 2011

Your Christmas Music Cable Channel Welcomes 'Cookies'!

WOWEEEEEEEE!!!! I'm proud (and incredibly overjoyed!) to announce that Music Choice has added Save Your Cookies for Me to all of their cable television Holiday Hits music channels nationwide! If you have Time Warner, Comcast, Charter, Bright House, AT&T U-verse, Cox, Grande, Century Link, or Cable Vision, be sure to tune in and keep an ear out for 'Cookies'!

'Cookies' on Detroit's Christmas Station!

Look what's sandwiched right between Jessica Simpson's Rockin Around the Christmas Tree and Michael McDonald's Deck the Halls...why, it's Danielle Car's own Save Your Cookies for Me! Looks like Michael McDonald actually isn't on his own. Nice to be in such great (and hairy) company on the playlist for Detroit's Christmas Station, Fresh 100.3! A million thanks to all who have requested my tune...Merry Christmas! If you still don't have your copy, click here!

December 13, 2011

Raul Malo Has Heard My Music???

After another PHENOMENAL show last night in Ann Arbor, Raul Malo actually said the following words: "Hey, I listened to your sound really good."

Danielle's Internal Dialogue: Oh my gosh, did I just hear that? The man with one of the highest cool quotients on the planet, one of my musical inspirations, and someone whose career path I long to emulate just said he digs my tunes?! Keep calm, keep it together, don't let him know you're freaking your freak right now...remember your yoga say something!!!

Danielle's External Dialogue: Oh my gosh, did I just hear that? Me? Danielle Car? That's just made my millenium!

Internal Dialogue Again: Doh..."made my millenium"? Well played, Wordsmith McWebster.

I'm confident that one day I will chat with Raul and not feel like Chris Farley interviewing Paul McCartney...**sigh**... someday.

December 5, 2011

We Made It Onto the 'Nice' List!

Cashbox Magazine compiled their list of super awesome fantastic coolio Christmas songs and guess who was on it??? Yes, Faith Hill's Where Are You Christmas? And, yes, Buck Owens' Santa Looked A Lot Like Daddy (my personal fave, of course). YES, all of your favorites made the cut and Save Your Cookies for Me! **happy dance** Thanks Cashbox...and incidentally that's exactly what I hope Santa brings me this year...

Click Santa to see the entire list!

December 3, 2011

Insert Joey Lawrence Exclamation Here: WHOA!

More radio stations adding Cookies to their request lists means more chances for folks to hear the tune...which means more fans enjoying the tune and downloading it to their own holiday playlists...and more music during the holidays means more smiling...and more smiling leads to a better mood...and better moods lead to inner peace...which leads to world peace. Soooo, if you would enjoy world peace as much as I would, support Save Your Cookies for Me by clicking your favorite station logo up top and requesting it! ;)

Coming Full Circle...

When I was first hired to perform at Detroit's biggest honky-tonk 5 nights a week (many moons ago), I hit the panic button. Wednesday: You're hired. Saturday: You start. How the *bleep* was I gonna learn the dozens of tunes and lyrics required of me in such a short time??? I mean, I thought I had Terri Clark's 'Better Things to Do' down pat, but Trisha Yearwood's 'What I Like About You' was gonna take some time! Enter new best friend. I frantically scratched down any country tab they had and created a cheat sheet cache the size of War and Peace. So imagine the grin on my face when I see that a fan from Chicago, Logan M20, submitted a Danielle Car Pretty Please tab to! Knowing that someone was sitting at home, figuring out my humble little tune on their axe just warms me right through! Thanks Logan M20, and keep up the great work!

December 1, 2011

Request 'Cookies' Around the Country!!!

It's crystal clear that I'm incredibly grateful to Clear Channel radio for adding 'Save Your Cookies for Me' to their national request database! That means stations all over the country have made 'Cookies' even easier to request! So, now that Christmas cookie season has finally arrived, I'll make a few to honor the subject matter of my happy lil' rum balls count as cookies? Somehow 'Save Your Rum Balls for Me' just doesn't have the same effect...




November 16, 2011

So, I Was Watching Paula Deen...

...preparing a delicious tilapia with her son Bobby on the Food Network, when I got word that All had just crowned 'Save Your Cookies for Me' Cool New Music royalty! What to do?! Divert attention from my white-haired butter mistress and check it out or maintain rapt attention to my Georgia Peach and her promise of an upcoming segment on the virtues of pumpkin cheesecake??? I broke out the laptop and did both. **phew** Disaster averted. I spotted my tune canoodling with the likes of new music from Faith Hill and Craig Campbell and I gotta say, it felt pretty warm pumpkin cheesecake on a crisp fall day in Detroit.

November 7, 2011

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year... baaaaaaaack! 'Save Your Cookies for Me' is making it's way to a holiday station near you...and Santa just told me if you request it, you're automatically on the Nice List (he'll put you on the Naughty List, too, if you're into that sort of thing). Take a listen here!

October 26, 2011

Austria: The Gift that Keeps On Giving!

It's my favorite time of year in Michigan: the leaves are changing, the cider's chillin', and the good vibes in the autumn air are plentiful. So, I hafta ask, how do you follow up a record setting week for 'Walk of Shame' at #1 on the Austrian radio heavy-rotation playlist? Hit #2 with 'Pretty Please' the very next week! I think I should now print up a bumper sticker reiterating the signature phrase from 'Field of Dreams'..."if you build it, they will come..." If you really put your heart into it and create some great tunes, folks will find 'em (and I couldn't be happier)! Enjoy the crisp autumnal air, y'all, since we know Old Man Winter planning his comeback. Ironically enough, so is my Christmas tune 'Save Your Cookies for Me' (but that's for another blog)...

October 11, 2011

Thank You, Austria!

Geez Louise, what a wonderful surprise to wake up to! There I was, enjoying a quiet moment with my dear friend Mr. Grande Non-fat Cappuccino, when up popped my inbox with a note from Country Radio Carinzia in Austria. Seems as though "Walk of Shame" has just been voted #1 by the listeners for the week of Oct. 10-16! THANK YOU, AUSTRIA! I will now use Google Translate to express my gratitude...heh hem:

Wir danken Ihnen, das schöne Land mit viel Geschmack in Country-Musik ... und danke für Arnold Schwarzenegger, too!

(Thank you to the beautiful country with great taste in country music...and thanks for Arnold Schwarzenegger, too!)

...what? Come on, you know you still love Kindergarten Cop...

October 5, 2011

Lovely Line Dancing...

Thought I'd share a couple of great vids that were just sent to me! As you know, I cut my teeth in Detroit's biggest honky-tonk where line dancing and two-steppin' were part of the gig 5 nights a week, so the dance floor always has a special place in my heart. Just knowing these fancy feet chose the 'Walk of Shame' to showcase their talent rocks my ever-lovin' world! Kudos, ladies...yeee haaaw!

September 9, 2011

Danielle Car-Toons???

When I was a kid, I would've given anything to have been as cute and charming as Smurfette or Lily the Cat from Dumbo's Circus, but alas, I was stuck in the real world with real-world problems. You know, getting ready for school and running out of Aussie hairspray for my waterfall bangs, misplacing my Girbaud jeans, that sort of thing. So now, I'm pleased to announce that coming soon I will indeed be living out my cartoon fantasies via a very talented friend of mine who has immortalized my likeness in my very own Car-toon (here's where the last name comes in handy!)... ...arriving soon right here at! Eat your heart out, Smurfette...

August 9, 2011

Thanks Atlanta!

Thanks to all my Hot-lanta Georgia peaches (y'know, Nene, Kim, Phaedra...they be lovin' some country music! :) for inviting Pretty Please to Metaphoric Radio! Take a look at their latest playlist here. C'mon, whatdoyasay, don't be tardy for the party, request Pretty Please at YOUR local station! Get it?! Tardy for the Party...Atlanta...nevermind...

July 30, 2011

Meanwhile, Across the Pond...

Thanks to Rough Dog Radio UK for showing Pretty Please some love! Appearing on the same playlist with summa the big boys takes me to my happy place...

July 26, 2011

Chart Update!!!

We're doin' it!!! Thanks so much for your support of The EP! I'm just pleased as punch at the reception these tunes have received. It really is a tough go for an independent artist today, but thanks to you I'm slowly but surely knocking a few things off my musical to-do list. 'Walk of Shame' has done great in Europe hitting the Italian Country chart in March at the same time 'Hazard to My Health' debuted on Spain's Country chart! Unbelievable!!! I've also just learned that 'Pretty Please' has climbed up to #95 on the Mediabase Top 200 Country songs for the week of 6/20! While I love knowing that we can hang our hats on these successes, the work never stops...onward and upward! :)

July 10, 2011

Viva Italia!

Just knowing fans from the Motherland (Italy!) have embraced 'Walk of Shame' is simply molto bene! Check out this line-dance competition from Voghera, Italy featuring the 'Walk'! I have no idea how they fared with the judges, but with moves like this and even a cartwheel at the end, they get my first-place vote for sure...raccontare al mondo la 'Walk of Shame' è il numero uno!

June 28, 2011

Here's the 'Rap'...

I just read the most insightful, logical piece of musical blog-riture to cross my eyes in many moons. 'Saving Country Music' may seem a little fundamentalist-churchy in its reticence to accept the newer 'country' being thrust upon us in recent years, but it also happens to be the hammer to the proverbial nail-head of the current state of country music. Me, I don't mind a rock beat here and there. Nor do I cringe at the pseudo-talent of the ready-to-bake talent show fluff dominating the country charts...much. However, country-rap (aka 'c.rap') happens to create an unpleasant gurgling sensation in my digestive region best remedied by articles from others sharing my same gag-reflex. Read it here.

...and if you're in the mood for an uplifting chaser, how about 'Pretty Please' snagging a 'Spotlight Track' on All Access this week?! Positioned just under Shania and right above Brad Paisley is a warm and fuzzy place to be...smack dab in the middle of a Twain-sley sammich...I like it here.

June 16, 2011

Your 'All Access' Pass...

As the week draws to a close, it feels neat-o knowing that All Access has deemed Pretty Please 'Cool New Music' along with new stuff from Alan Jackson and Brad Paisley. That's pretty cool! Why do I have the SNL Miley Cyrus skit running through my head as I write this? I'm so excited at how awesome Pretty Please is doing...and stuff like that...and thanks so much for your support...and stuff like that...

June 7, 2011

As Meatloaf said, "7 out of 10 Ain't Bad"...oh wait...

I'm a concrete thinker. Don't beat around the bush...just tell me whatcha think. That's why I love The 1-10 Country Review. They give new singles a magic number on a scale from 1-10, hence the name (drrrr...). I think most things could benefit from such ease of shows, restaurant meals, performance in the sack. Here's a little of what blogger Ben Foster had to say about Pretty Please:

"Pretty Please displays a level of personality that blows many current radio favorites out of the water while echoing an underlying message of self confidence amid all that fist-pumping fun. More songs like this on country radio...Pretty Please. 7/10"

Wowee zowee! (that's me saying that, not the reviewer ;)

Have you Heard the 'Urban Country News'???

Our friends at UCN are spreadin' the news about Pretty Please...and with such kind words to say! I love that the story posted just before mine was about Shania...can't think of a better act to follow. Even if her show on OWN is a little TMI for my taste, she's still the one most of us up-and-coming female artists look up to...get it? Still the One? I guess I'm still feeling punny (see post below) ;)

Goin' 'WILD' for Pretty Please...

My latest single is spreading like WILDfire...folks are going WILD for it...I'm WILD about all the attention it's getting! Okay as you can tell, Top 5 Gone Wild has me feeling pun-tastic thanks to their great write-up...

"Danielle always brings the best music to Top 5 Gone Wild...she knows how to rock the Gone Wild style...we have big plans for her and look forward to working with Danielle throughout her career..."

Awww, shucks.

June 2, 2011

'Pretty Please' Lyrics...

It's been a wonderfully busy week so releases and emails and videos, oh my! Thanks to Jana from Chicago for passing on the link to the 'Pretty Please' lyrics from Only They're not perfectly accurate, but it's great to have them out in cyber-space!
Okay, now I'm off to de-stress the only way an Italian girl knows how: baking...chocolate marshmallow creme whoopie pies, to be exact. My thighs wish I could find a new way to de-stress... :/

Behind the Scenes...

Pretty Please is landing at country radio June 6! To commemorate this most exciting time, how bout a little peek at my last photo shoot?!

Wood paneling + pinot grigio + a camera = good times!

May 30, 2011

A Weekend to Celebrate...

While we happily shovel in our forkfuls of potato salad and nibble our perfectly buttered and salted ears of corn, let's not forget to take a moment this weekend to thank all of our servicemen and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice in order for us to do so. We'll have the grill blazin', the Summer Shandy flowin' and the radio blastin', so here's wishing you a safe and happy Memorial Day! 'Pretty Please' hits the ground runnin' TOMORROW so make a few radio requests, y'all! Listen to 'Pretty Please' in its entirety here and, as always, thank YOU for your support! Now I'm off to shuck some corn...that's not a euphamysm, I'm literally off to shuck some corn...filthy minds...

May 23, 2011

The 'Pretty Please' Cover!!!

What do ya think? We shot this in my childhood home in Livonia, MI. Those walls of stucco and wood-grain paneling hold a lot of memories...I think a few were crossing my mind when this was taken. 'Pretty Please' at Country Radio June 1!!!

May 18, 2011

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way To Meet Raul Malo...

...I choked.

Y'know, I quite enjoy meeting new people. The hand shakes, the hugs, the cheery salutations...what's not to like? Take a peek at my dinosaur of a MySpace page and you'll see the proof should you need it. However, one tends to forget the new-introduction protocol when the person you're meeting is someone you've admired for many moons. Raul put on an amazing show at The Ark in Ann Arbor. Accompanied by the always sturdy and stylish Michael Guerra, he delivered all of my favorite ear treats; 'I Said I Love You', 'All You Ever Do is Bring Me Down', the perfect set list goes on. Yet, somehow when the time came to chat a bit with Raul and give the abridged version of how he's influenced my music and provided unending inspiration, all I could muster was a minutes-long diatribe on the virtues of his 2004 Mavericks DVD release. "I watch it nearly every day." (cringe) "I got it as a Christmas gift." (stop now, Danielle) "It's really good." (Can't you hear yourself, woman?!) So, just to cleanse my system, here now is what I should have said:

Hi Raul, it's an honor to finally meet you. Your limitless talent, boundless musicality, and genre-less take on music today has inspired me to continue on the musical path I've been taking. Where others are limited by titles, you hurdle past the defining labels of music and create a style all your own. Where I've admired country, rock, world and honky-tonk artists, you emody them all and for that, I am a forever fan...and of course I'll duet with you, thanks for asking.

***cleansing sigh*** I feel much better now. Thanks.

May 11, 2011

'Pretty Please' and Thank You!

May 11, 2011

Yes, Sunday is a day of rest, but it's also the day I invite a large orange man with a merkin on his head into my living room...that's right: Celebrity Apprentice has found a home in mine. Though I vicariously live out my 'street game' fantasies through Nene Leakes, the real reason I watch is for the mustachioed machismo that is John Rich. His confidence: unwavering. His good intentions: undeniable. His talent: unmatched....and I'M APPEARING ON A COMPILATION WITH HIM IN JUNE!!! That's right, your Detroit country girl has set a 'Pretty Please' release date for June 1 and the folks at Promo Only have seen fit to include me on this prestigious release. Blake 'The Voice' Shelton, Luke Bryan, Dierks Bentley, John Rich and MEEEEE!!! Check out the song list if you get a sec...a veritable who's who of country music with lil' ol' me enjoying the company. THANK YOU for supporting my tunes and please, don't stop now! Request 'Pretty Please' at YOUR local station...the link below can help you find your favorite country station...

April 21, 2011

Life is Good...

April 21, 2011

I started my day with a cappuccino followed by a delicious lapse in judgement in the form of a Cadbury Cream Egg and thought my day couldn't get any better. I was wrong. Last week I decided that the second single from The EP will be Pretty forward to today and it's already been chosen for Promo Only's all-genre weekly hot-list alongside new singles from Jason Aldean, Lady Gaga and Billy Currington!!! LIFE IS GOOD! Now, all I have to do is get a video up and running and this summer's hottest single is well on its way (I'm not totally sure it'll be summer's hottest single, but hey, sometimes just putting stuff out in the universe makes good things happen!). Sincere thanks and gratitude to all of you for your unwavering support. Please continue to request my tunes wherever your favorite music is played and keep a look-out for my new Pretty Please video sooooooon! xoxo

April 9, 2011

Reading Rocks...

April 8, 2011

I had a blast reading to elementary schools all over Detroit for 'March is Reading Month'. Literacy is near and dear to my heart and it's MY pleasure to spread the word any way I can. Plus, I got to hang out with some of the coolest kids around! The Country Music News Blog AND the Urban Country Blog (UCB) both picked up on my 10-school tour and had a little something to say about it here. I'm so grateful to them both for their support...books rule....

April 4, 2011

Let the Countdown Begin...

April 4, 2011

Hey y'all, the Top 5 Gone Wild Country Countdown has added "Walk of Shame" to its weekly list of nominees, so be sure to VOTE! It takes just a couple of my video, hit 'vote' and voila! To be on the same ballot as Keith Urban, Blake Shelton and Brad Paisley is a super-cool way to start the week, I must say...I think I'll celebrate with an overpriced yet highly addictive coffee beverage...cheers!

March 15, 2011


March 15, 2011

I've just gotten word that I've been nominated for the Vitamin Water People's Choice Award at the 2011 Detroit Music Awards! To be nominated for country music in my hometown is nothing short of AWESOME (I'm a little short on creative adjectives right now) and I'm thrilled. At the end of the day, the real award is getting my tunes out to the ears of folks everywhere (cue sappy music...) and spreading the word that country music is alive and well here in the Motor City. It's kind of a sticky-sweet sentiment, but it's the truth.

To cast your vote, all you have to do is take 2 seconds to hit and download my latest tune 'Walk of Shame'...that's it! Oh, and by the way it's FREE! You can vote once per day, so be sure to save the site to your 'favorites' and make it a daily know, kinda like Starbucks. Now that I've planted that's Grande Non-fat Cappuccino time...

February 22, 2011


February 22, 2011

So, I just got off a plane from Vegas to see Dwight Yoakam and party hearty with some family and THIS REVIEW was waiting for me! After seeing Dwight along with guitar god Eddie Perez (a.k.a. Mr. ThereisnoonecoolerandifyouwinkatmeonemoretimethroughyourlongluxurioushairImightmelt), I didn't think my week could get any better! Thanks Country! If ya wanna support the cause, be sure to "share" my review on your FB page or Twitter feed. Life is good...

February 14, 2011


February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day! Today is by far my favorite day of the year and I'm really feeling the love...sincere gratitude to YOU for really embracing my tunes. Hey, has joined the party, too...welcome! So glad you could join us...would you care for some punch and cookies? A hearty thanks for posting Walk of Shame! CountryHD is a veritable showcase of all the latest and greatest goin' on 'round these parts and I'm proud to be part of the club...

February 5, 2011


February 5, 2011

The 1-10 Country Review (and super-duper music blogger Ben Foster) has rounded up the hottest videos for February and guess who made the cut?! No, not Antoine's Dodson's latest, silly.....Walk of Shame! To be rubbin' cyber-elbows with Dierks Bentley, Alabama and Joe Nichols is enough to make me wanna go and cook something (I'm Italian, that's what we do when we're happy....or excited...or really any other emotion you can think of). Check it out!

January 31, 2011


January 31, 2011

Today's Country Music has picked up on "Walk of Shame" and has now featured it in their New Music Mondays section! Thank you all so much for gettin' the word out and really supporting my tune! News like this warm my cockles on a chilly day like today in Detroit. I'll have to make myself a few Hot Toddies to keep this fuzzy feeling goin'...I never met a Toddy I didn't like.

January 28, 2011


January 27, 2011

Urban Country Blog giving Walk of Shame a big cyber-kiss by featuring my video on their super-duper website! As always, take a peek and leave a comment if you'd be so kind (and you are so kind, right?) Thanks UCB, and right back atcha, mmwwaahh!

January 18, 2011


January 19, 2011

Thanks to All Access for their shout out to Walk of Shame! Do we still say 'shout out'? Hmmmm, I was about to write 'raise the roof' as an exclamation of happiness, but I have a hunch we don't say that anymore either.

Sincere thanks to you ALL for spreading the word! Follow the link below to find your favorite stations and REQUEST the Walk wherever ya want! Woot, there it is!


January 12, 2011


January 13, 2011

Country music super-site has just picked up on Walk of Shame (hooray!) and they wanna know what you think! Now, most website comment sections I've seen turn into debates on too country vs. not country enough, liberals vs. conservatives, Team Edward vs. Team Jacob, Kate Gosselin vs. common sense....I could go on for days, but I ask that you just give 'em your thoughts on my tune! I'm so grateful to Roughstock for having the cojones to dedicate some of their hot real estate to this chick from Detroit. Very grateful indeed.

Don't forget, request Danielle Car tunes wherever you can and listen to/watch Walk of Shame in my "videos" section! Sincere gratitude to you all!

January 10, 2011


January 10, 2011

Dreams do come true! THE Mr. Robert K. Oermann just reviewed Walk of Shame for Music Row Magazine online! I truly believed the only folks who garnered attention from such esteemed Nashville royalty were big names in the industry or newcomers with ginormous label machines behind them (of which I have neither.). I feel this review proves that all bets are off in the music biz nowadays, and great music always finds a way! THANK YOU ALL for spreading the word about my tunes and PLEASE CONTINUE to request Walk of Shame wherever you can! Here's what Mr. Oermann had to say!

"I first encountered this Detroit country gal in last year's Christmas column. It turns out that she also has a five-song EP that kicks off with this blistering, breakneck country rocker. Promising in the extreme."


January 3, 2011


January 3, 2011

Pardon the indulgence: Back in 2004, I was content to entertain the four walls of my music room in a little bungalow in Redford, MI. Figuring it was time to try and sing for actual humans, I went out on a limb and auditioned for my one and only house gig at the Diamondback Saloon. The cotton clogging my mouth didn't allow for quite the performance I was hoping for. As cover tunes were a requirement, I probably sang something super cool like "Mi Vida Loca" by Pam Tillis or Lorrie Morgan's "What Part of No Don't You Understand?". Well, despite myself, I got the gig and subsequent responsibility of learning the 150+ cover tunes the boss required. I immediately made my way to the public library to use the internet (yes, the library) and cram my already overwhelmed brain with every note and lyric I could find. Lucky for me I found It soon became my Cliff's Notes, study sheet, and cover-tune Bible all at once. I never would've made it through those first few months without it. Now, as 2011 is upon us, imagine my sweet surprise to find out my very own songs and lyrics have made their way to! The last few months have been full of so many milestones and achievements...this little website is just another full-circle moment I've been waiting for!

Thank you all... I couldn't do it without you! Keep requesting Walk of Shame to radio stations, websites...wherever you can!!!! We now return you to our regularly scheduled rip-roarin', honky-tonkin', good timin' website.