October 26, 2011

Austria: The Gift that Keeps On Giving!

It's my favorite time of year in Michigan: the leaves are changing, the cider's chillin', and the good vibes in the autumn air are plentiful. So, I hafta ask, how do you follow up a record setting week for 'Walk of Shame' at #1 on the Austrian radio heavy-rotation playlist? Hit #2 with 'Pretty Please' the very next week! I think I should now print up a bumper sticker reiterating the signature phrase from 'Field of Dreams'..."if you build it, they will come..." If you really put your heart into it and create some great tunes, folks will find 'em (and I couldn't be happier)! Enjoy the crisp autumnal air, y'all, since we know Old Man Winter planning his comeback. Ironically enough, so is my Christmas tune 'Save Your Cookies for Me' (but that's for another blog)...