June 28, 2011

Here's the 'Rap'...

I just read the most insightful, logical piece of musical blog-riture to cross my eyes in many moons. 'Saving Country Music' may seem a little fundamentalist-churchy in its reticence to accept the newer 'country' being thrust upon us in recent years, but it also happens to be the hammer to the proverbial nail-head of the current state of country music. Me, I don't mind a rock beat here and there. Nor do I cringe at the pseudo-talent of the ready-to-bake talent show fluff dominating the country charts...much. However, country-rap (aka 'c.rap') happens to create an unpleasant gurgling sensation in my digestive region best remedied by articles from others sharing my same gag-reflex. Read it here.

...and if you're in the mood for an uplifting chaser, how about 'Pretty Please' snagging a 'Spotlight Track' on All Access this week?! Positioned just under Shania and right above Brad Paisley is a warm and fuzzy place to be...smack dab in the middle of a Twain-sley sammich...I like it here.

June 16, 2011

Your 'All Access' Pass...

As the week draws to a close, it feels neat-o knowing that All Access has deemed Pretty Please 'Cool New Music' along with new stuff from Alan Jackson and Brad Paisley. That's pretty cool! Why do I have the SNL Miley Cyrus skit running through my head as I write this? I'm so excited at how awesome Pretty Please is doing...and stuff like that...and thanks so much for your support...and stuff like that...

June 7, 2011

As Meatloaf said, "7 out of 10 Ain't Bad"...oh wait...

I'm a concrete thinker. Don't beat around the bush...just tell me whatcha think. That's why I love The 1-10 Country Review. They give new singles a magic number on a scale from 1-10, hence the name (drrrr...). I think most things could benefit from such ease of assessment...tv shows, restaurant meals, performance in the sack. Here's a little of what blogger Ben Foster had to say about Pretty Please:

"Pretty Please displays a level of personality that blows many current radio favorites out of the water while echoing an underlying message of self confidence amid all that fist-pumping fun. More songs like this on country radio...Pretty Please. 7/10"

Wowee zowee! (that's me saying that, not the reviewer ;)

Have you Heard the 'Urban Country News'???

Our friends at UCN are spreadin' the news about Pretty Please...and with such kind words to say! I love that the story posted just before mine was about Shania...can't think of a better act to follow. Even if her show on OWN is a little TMI for my taste, she's still the one most of us up-and-coming female artists look up to...get it? Still the One? I guess I'm still feeling punny (see post below) ;)

Goin' 'WILD' for Pretty Please...

My latest single is spreading like WILDfire...folks are going WILD for it...I'm WILD about all the attention it's getting! Okay as you can tell, Top 5 Gone Wild has me feeling pun-tastic thanks to their great write-up...

"Danielle always brings the best music to Top 5 Gone Wild...she knows how to rock the Gone Wild style...we have big plans for her and look forward to working with Danielle throughout her career..."

Awww, shucks.

June 2, 2011

'Pretty Please' Lyrics...

It's been a wonderfully busy week so far...press releases and emails and videos, oh my! Thanks to Jana from Chicago for passing on the link to the 'Pretty Please' lyrics from Only Lyrics.com. They're not perfectly accurate, but it's great to have them out in cyber-space!
Okay, now I'm off to de-stress the only way an Italian girl knows how: baking...chocolate marshmallow creme whoopie pies, to be exact. My thighs wish I could find a new way to de-stress... :/

Behind the Scenes...

Pretty Please is landing at country radio June 6! To commemorate this most exciting time, how bout a little peek at my last photo shoot?!

Wood paneling + pinot grigio + a camera = good times!