I'd been trying to avoid it for years, but finally had to take the plunge...a Facebook Fan Page (cue trumpets)! The thought of waiting for people to 'like' me awakens long-sleeping anxiety the likes of which haven't been seen since the first week of 7th grade. Alas, they say taking the leap into FB Like-dom is where it's at, so who am I to argue? Go ahead and 'like' my page if for nothing else than the music player - it rawks...hard. My super-duper web dude even added a 'like' box to this very website for easy 'liking' capabilities. Feel free to post whatever you feel...words of encouragement, skin pics, it's all good. I must say I feel a bit more tech-savvy knowing I have a fan page...I just may be inspired enough to try one of those cellular telephone thingies everybody's been talking about. ;)